Thursday, April 26, 2012

around the place

2012 was a superb season for citrus. One of my pregnancy food crushes has been oranges, and more recently grapefruit segments dipped into raw sugar. Soo good. Not so good for heartburn and indigestion tho'! 

Tiny succulent puppies (I'm sure I didn't just make that term up referring to baby succulents) found homes in my tiny glass jar collection.

Today two sweet girls had their fee-range roaming space significantly reduced from the ENTIRE yard to about 20 square meters. They are NOT happy! I wish we didn't have to make the choice to limit the  area they play in, as they were so content pecking and scratching about for worms and weeds, but we couldn't keep up with their constant mulch flicking onto paths, getting into the veggie beds and eating the flowers in the bulb bed.

Mark and I have been all kinds of busy over the past 2 months (3 weddings, a super special baby shower, planning for baby, winery weekend, paving, planting a pretty bulb garden) but we are slowly working through and ticking off (my favourite hobby!) a list of Things to do Before Baby Arrives. Getting our yard sorted before our little bird is born is a priority, with only a few more things to do inside as well (both nursery and dining room related)... we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We're on the home stretch now - only 10 weeks to go till her due date :)

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